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Enter your Calm Era

I'm offering to the world a new era of coaching that focuses on living and leading in a sustainable way for all. The coaching sessions and programmes are designed to help people understand how we can align ourselves to a future where we can all thrive. At the core, a sustainable future is one that is more inclusive, diverse and participatory for all; and my experience is that these benefit greatly from the development of calmness. 

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1:1 Massage, Bodywork & Coaching

The Contribution We have Made So Far to bring The Power of Calm

"The most positive yoga experience I have ever had. I was truely able to focus on the practice thanks to Ed's kind and reassurring manner. I can't recommend working with Ed enough"

Chloe Glover 


My name is Ed Moss

Living sustainably is nothing new; in fact, as a species, we have lived sustainably for much of our existence. This knowledge today is held in our communities and also within our bodies. When we develop a sense of inner calm, it is easier to access this. The work I do is focused on making these two centres of wisdom and knowledge more accessible. I practice and share inclusive and sustainable ways of being for mind, body and community. 

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